Living in the Green Bay, WI area means one thing...Packers football.
Whenever we travel and mention that we are from Green Bay, people always ask if we are Packers fans...dah.
Packers football is a religion here. Lambeau field is the city's "cathedral."
They say people here bleed "green and gold."
People wear Packers clothes to church every Sunday during the season...really... not weird, normal.
I know it all seems strange, but we are not really crazy, over the top fans. It is considered completely normal to follow the Packers, and for good reason. Green Bay is NOT a large city. We do not have ANY skyscrapers. We are not a huge metropolitan area. In fact, the Green Bay Packers are owned by the fans. We are one of the 111,507 people who actually own stock in the Packers (I know...crazy).
Did you know that when someone has a baby here, one of the first things people ask is "did you put them on the waiting list for season tickets?" Seriously. (Yes, our kids are on the waiting list. Our oldest daughter (14) has been waiting since she was born and she is number 39,950 on the list of over 80,000 people waiting. They say the average wait is 30 years).
Well...I just had to give a little shout out to the Packers today. Since winning the Superbowl last season, the Pack has been an even bigger deal than normal. Today is there is a HUGE event being held in town. The NFL is doing an enormous "kick off" tonight for the season's first game. The Today Show aired their show from here this morning. Big name musical artists are performing this afternoon, and even schools in the area are getting out early to accommodate the crazy traffic and events being held (I know...weird, but normal here).
One of my favorite things about living in a small football market, is bumping into players around town. It is not uncommon to run in to a wide receiver at the local grocery store (Go #80 Donald Driver who frequents the Piggly Wiggly in our neighborhood!). Last weekend, we were out for dinner with some friends when I noticed that Charles Woodson was in the restaurant. He was just hanging out with some guys and was standing near the door, so when we were leaving, I had to let him know that my 8 year old son is a HUGE fan. He was gracious enough to let us snap a picture (so I could prove to my son that I had been hangin' with his favorite player). we prepare for a big night of football in Green Bay, I thought I would post some pictures of my family enjoying our favorite team. Keep us in mind tonight if you are trying to decide who to root for!
Go Pack Go!
My friend Beth and me hanging out with "Sir Charles."
Five cute guys getting ready to leave for some pregame tailgating...
I know...weird, but normal.
Bryce soaking up his first real experience at Lambeau Field.
Drew and Bryce sporting a REAL Superbowl ring that they were able to borrow for some pictures. guys are BIG fans!! I don't get it, but I'm sure my hubbie would. How he wishes that Portland had a pro team.