I have been a terrible blogger lately. This holiday season is really kicking me in the rear end. I would have to say that we are one busy family these days. Most of the stuff we have going on is wonderful (lots of dance competitions, basketball, school stuff, traveling husband, etc.). There are days, however, when I really question the amount of activity in our lives...perhaps there will be a few New Year's resolutions in the works for us...
Grace has been enjoying the holiday season and is keeping busy with the preparations.
Here she is sporting her new holiday apron.
We had a great time at the annual gingerbread party we attend (Thanks Kneelands!).
The moms had a great time catching up. The party was fun and one of my favorite parts was talking adoption with the other moms (four out of five of our families have adopted). ***this picture makes me laugh- have you ever heard the song "Red Solo Cup?"
Grace got to hang with Santa during Alyssa's holiday dance show. She told him that she is hoping for a horse. Santa was nice enough to clarify that the horse would be a toy and come with a "brush."
The dance show was wonderful...Alyssa's dance studio raises thousands of dollars every year by having two holiday shows - all profits go to support a homeless shelter in Green Bay (last year over $15,000 was raised).
We can finally get Grace's hair in TWO "puffs" (although I can barely make them stay). Love it!
And...last but not least, a couple awesome ideas that I found on (my favorite) Pinterest:
These adorable reindeer nose cookies were such a hit. They are the perfect size, so easy to make, and make a cute little treat to share this time of year. ***My smart little high school daughter did point out, however, that reindeer noses would be blackish, not brown***

The other cool thing I have been working on, are these super easy (and fun to make) stamped metal ornaments. They are made out of washers...I am currently stamping anything metal I can get my hands on. It's so fun. I decided to give these as gifts along with a card that explains that "water has been donated in your honor" instead of just buying little gifts for people. I am donating to Living Water...love their advent conspiracy project.

So, that is a little bit of what has been keeping me from blogging.
FOUR more days to get ready for the main event...here we go!
Looks like you guys have been having fun! We LOVE our ornament!