So... What have we been up to the past few days???
Making Valentine's Day necklaces...(I love using Grace's Ethiopian name- we just hang both charms on one necklace and it says "Grace Hiwot")
Meeting new friends (Grace's new friends already "knew" her from blog world, so it was fun for them to meet her in person - they hit it off beautifully).
Meeting another new friend :)
Celebrating a buddy's birthday (I love how my friend and I let the our little ones eat giant donuts for breakfast - doubt we would have done that with our first or second born children - I love that part about getting older - I seem to be lightening up about many things ;)).

Making doro wat. Thanks for the recipe Bonnie! I can tell you that my family does not have quite the palates that the N. Family was super spicy!!!! Doug and Grace loved it - we had some injera on hand and Grace was pretty happy with the meal...(btw, berbere has a tendency to stain light pink princess plates...).
Making headbands for Korah. We had so much fun creating headbands to send to Ethiopia with Kari. She is collecting 400 headbands to give to the beautiful little girls that live in Korah. What an awesome project! Alyssa and her dance buddy El created some pretty fancy headbands which are now headed to Ethiopia!!!! What a great idea Kari!
And, of course, we have been cheering on the Green Bay Packers!!!! I guess all our cheering helped them secure a spot in next week's division championship game. Go Pack Go!
Hope you have been enjoying winter, weekends, and family too. ***I'm also praying for some blog buddies of mine who will be traveling to Ethiopia this week to meet and/or bring their little ones home. Good luck to those of you who are traveling!!!! - I can't wait to hear all about your amazing journeys!
Love the headbands! You should sell them on your site! Seriously, LOVE them:) Also, cute picture of Isaac and Grace:) So glad we are back and they (and we) can play together!