OK...I know I have written about this book a ton already, but I had to mention one more thing...Shayne writes a lot about her involvement in the ONE campaign. I decided to "join" the ONE campaign, and basically, the group will keep me up to speed on important issues that are happening globally re: orphan care, HIV/AIDS prevention initiatives, etc. I visited the website and found out that there have been some budget cuts that will impact global poverty. I wanted to pass the info on to anyone who was interested in taking (literally) two minutes to get involved...
The House voted to make huge cuts in this year’s budget. Poverty-fighting priorities--which make up less than one percent of the US budget--were sharply cut.
Now it’s the Senate’s turn to weigh in on the budget--and we’ve got to tell them to preserve this life-saving funding. Cuts to these life-saving programs will have a real, immediate, and devastating impact on the world’s poor.
I just signed this petition asking the Senate not to make cuts. Will you sign it, too?
Together as ONE we can make a difference.
I also wanted to give you a little sneak peak at some new necklace designs that I have been working on. I thought these would be perfect for EASTER time...I used paper beads made in Uganda for the charms for some of the necklaces...the cross reminds me of Ethiopia...
Oh, I love the new necklaces! Thanks for the link so we can be involved with! I always mean to do stuff like that, but then forget, so the link is great for people like me with good hearts but scattered minds!
ReplyDeleteLove following your blog and listening to the music selections that accompanied it. Are you thinking of "re-posting" the music? If so, I will make a note of the songs this time.