I feel like a terrible blogger lately. I have followed so many bloggers getting ready to travel and bring their little ones home...I would cling to all of the details they shared about their trips, first time meeting their kids, etc. I am so disappointed with the lack of posting I have been doing. The thing is...we are really busy getting ready to travel! Between packing 200 pounds of stuff, going to baseball games every night and getting our house in order, I have not had time to do the fun blog videos and updates that I had always imagined doing before we traveled to Ethiopia.
I promise to update much more when we get home. I am so excited to experience the beauty of Ethiopia and can not wait to meet our little girl. We are on the home stretch now...almost everything is in order and the bags are (almost) packed.
I remember reading the following quote when we were deciding whether or not we would adopt...
"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just the first step." Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
At the time, I thought it was a great way to focus our course...wow...now we are on the staircase and getting ready to reach the top step! I can't believe it.
Please pray for our safe travel and health as we head to Africa. Please pray for our little girl Grace Hiwot who will be joining our family very soon. We are hopeful that she will sense our love and feel comfortable with us.
Thank you for all of your support as we have traveled this adoption road. I promise to keep you up to speed and share some (hopefully) wonderful photos as soon as we meet our little one!